fredag 2 april 2010

Stepping out of the Bubble

15 years ago I was heavily engaged in programming a template system for Microsoft Word 6.0. The users was used to run their Office Automation on VAX/VMS-machines but around 1995 the demand for PC-clients was strong, they where not any longer pleased with the textbased interface we could offer.

However in those VAX/VMS-machines it was possible not only to share documents but also versioning them. So when writing the template system I had to figure out to handle this versioning and sharing capabilities. At the great launch of Windows 95 and with tunes of Rolling Stones (anyone remembering the fuzz about that) a Windows 95 complient system was presented; DOCS Open 2.5 .

The rest is history, a long history about partners, many, many good colleagues and a lot of interesting, fun and lovely events. I will always remember the Summit 1998 when the possibility to have shortcuts on the start-button to DM-documents was presented, we all screamed out quite loudly and then it was something called Cyber DOCS was launched. It took years before we really understood what that was. Does anyone remember London 2005 - when Tony Heywood(?) officially launched DM 6.0 ?? It was like a declaration of war, everyone got an paper telling that now, in this very moment DM 6.0 is launched. Well - we all know what happened after that.

So I'm an old (yes really old) eDOCS user know trying to understand all the new things that are happening and I think I'm not the only one. Previously I have been "living" in the comfortable, smooth and silent environment of the Open Text Community, and i still think it's such a great Community. Open Text should have at least 5 big, golden stars for that community.

However as one can seen from the Open Text Home Page more and more people are stepping out of the comfortable community Bubble. Why? I don't know - but I should also give it a try. So here is The Open Text ECM Suite blog - for all who wants to share their thoughs about the ECM Suite.

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